Grey Wolf
Return to Power
Healing Services
- Heal deep emotional pain, especially from childhood
- Eliminate phobias
- Release anger and resentments
- Stop pain and trauma
- Assist in your rehabilitation
- Assist in the grieving process

Overcome Life’s “Roadblocks“
Quickly, Simply, Permanently
Through Shaman Energy Healing
Who could benefit from a session?
People experiencing any of the following are candidates for shaman energy work:
- Depression
- Repetitve negative behavior patterns
- Emotional or health issues related to your ancestry
- Past emotional traumas that continue to haunt you
- Apathy, numbness, lack of vitality or fatigue
- An unhealthy attachment to any individual
- Chronic illness or weak immune system
- A propensity toward addictions or destructive behaviors
- Feelings of emptiness
- Feelings of watching you life from the outside
- Inexplicable mood swings or personality shifts
About the Q’ero

“Follow your footsteps Learn from the rivers The trees and the rocks. Honor the Christ, The Buddha, Your brothers and sisters.
Honor your Earth Mother and the Great Spirit Honor yourself and all of creation. Look with the eyes of your soul and engage the essential”
The Inca Q’ero Shamans
When the conquistadors came and conquered the Inca Empire 500 years ago, the top two leaders were killed and the rest of the rulers and healers fled to the mountains to hide. The conquistadors went after them and couldn’t find them. Legends had said that when the world needed what the Incas knew the most, they would be back.According to legend, when the Q’ero first appeared at the feast of Collor R’iti a little over 50 years ago wearing ponchos emblazoned with the royal emblem of the Sun,an isle parted in the thousands gathered and the elders of the medicine people welcomed them, saying, “We have been waiting for you for five hundred years.” They are the Incas, the last original descendants of the Children of the Sun who ruled the Inca Empire before the Spanish came and conquered them. The importance of their return is not only that the world needs most what they know but also that they have been isolated from the rest of the world for 500 years. Therefore they have never been contaminated by the Western world. Unlike most other indigenous healers who were indoctrinated into religious beliefs by missionaries, the Inca healing methods and beliefs are still intact and practiced the way they always have for over 10,000 years.
The Incas have returned to deliver the prophecy entrusted to them foretelling the End of Time as well as to reintroduce to the world a body of processes, of rites of passage that usher in who we are becoming as apeople and as a planet. So even though these methods are now reintroduced to the world as a new healing method, they are very ancient and proven to work with the passage of time. These include healing methods that are the most efficient and effective way to restore ourselves to wholeness. They heal our wounds – especially the emotional ones – which hold us back from living the life we have always dreamed of but have never been able to do.
Unlike other contemporary as well as traditional healing modalities that either never really clear the trauma completely or only offer a few days of temporary relief, these methods transform us to leave the pain of our past permanently behind. We are now free to step into creating the world we want to live in, living the life we always wanted to live.