Session Info

You will experience a new way to live that will help you move forward on your own personal journey.

Steve uses Shaman techniques of Illumination, Soul Retrieval, Destiny Retrieval, Mysthic Mapping, Extractions, Death Rites, and other practices of the Q'ero Shamans. You will feel an energetic release and shift in just one session. This session will be the first step on your personal journey back to the Garden.
Click on one of the topics below for more information on a session.
  • Before the Session

    Before your session it is helpful to reflect on the following:
    • What is not working in my life?
    • What feels out of balance?
    • What is missing, or what qualities have I lost which I long to reclaim?
    • Are there unhealthy patterns in my life which keep repeating?
    • Are there people in my life to which I have an unhealthy connection?
    • Are there places in my body where I am regularly feeling pain or discomfort?
    • Does my life feel out of control?
    • Are there themes in my ancestry which are getting repeated in my life?
    It is important to avoid alcohol or recreational drugs before and after your session.
  • During the Session

    We have a luminous energy field that surrounds the physical body. Just as we can harm the physical body, we can also harm the luminous energy field. Pain or trauma leaves etchings – ” cuts” – in the luminous energy field. When the luminous field gets cut, the emotion that cut it will sit in it like an infection or poison. Then we repeatedly draw into our lives the same types of events or people until we heal the problem. A medical doctor will clean out a cut to the physical body and maybe stitch it so it will heal. A Shaman performs a similar process to the luminous field. Healing of the luminous energy field can clear the “infection” so that the pain is permanently gone. It doesn’t erase the memories of what has happened, but it can remove the pain. When you remember the event, it will be more like looking at a photograph of someone else. Anyone can return to holeness and live the life they have always dreamed about.

    A typical session take approximately 1 hour.

    All shamanic work is conducted in a very safe environment and is strictly private and confidential. The process involves a consultation where you are given the time to talk about the presenting problem. In telling “your story” you provide the shaman with the opportunity to track the toxic energy imprint housed within your energy systems. When the location is identified the process continues with the clearing of your energy field as you comfortably recline. After the session you may be given homework and suggestions for lifestyle changes that may be necessary to support the healing process. Depending on the nature of the work involved, significant healing can be accomplished in 1 to 3 sessions. Many people find that one session is all they need. The success is affected by the intensity of your desire for healing, and your willingness to actively create healing patterns in your life. Shaman energy healing sessions are effective when done remotely. Over 80% of the energy healing arranged through Grey Wolf is done over the phone.

  • After the Session

    After your session it may take 1-3 days to fully integrate the healing you have received. Be sure to take time afterwords to nurture yourself. The effects of the healing can be gradual or dramatic, each individual experiences this differently.

    1. Drink LOTS of water (at least 3-4 glasses above your normal intake).

      Your luminous field will be releasing for about a week and water will make the transition smoother.

    2. Eat more protein for about a week.
    3. You may be more emotional.

      If an emotion does arise, be ok that it is coming up and breathe through it like in your session and it should pass quickly. If this happens, usually it is in the first 3 days.

    4. Get out in Nature

      -The earth will absorb the toxins from your luminous field still releasing.

    5. Take a salt bath

      -This continues to clean out the toxins from your luminous field as well as the physical body. Soak 20 minutes only! (Any longer, your body reabsorbs the toxins you have released.) Then rinse off.

      • 1 cup SEA Salt
      • 1 cup baking soda
      • Bathtub full of warmest water you can stand

      These items are optional during your salt bath.

      • Essential oil
      • Music
      • Bubble Bath
      • Candles
    6. Energy Check-in

      Check in via email or call about a week after your session and let me know how you are doing.

    It is important to avoid alcohol or recreational drugs before and after your session.